Podcasts from the Symposium
Kevin Gibson, who's with the pastoral staff of First Baptist Church of North Kansas City, Missouri, attended the symposium and ended up creating 7 podcasts (that I'm aware of so far). He has a website called worshippodcast.com, with the subtitle "conversation about the stuff of Christian worship." His categories include: arts, church sound, dance, drama, lament, missional, multi-site churches, music, preaching, psalms, Sally Morgenthaler, technology, video, visual arts, worship. Looks like a lot of good material there.
Here are the podcasts he collected from meandering the halls of the symposium:
1. Worship and the Arts: John Witvliet.
2. Visual Arts and the Church: Sandra Bowden.
3. Drama and Worship: Alison Siewert.
4. Church Art Galleries: Tim High.
5. Video and Worship: Travis Reed.
6. Music and Worship: Greg Scheer.
7. Dance, Movement and Worship: Sandra Organ-Solis.
Thanks, Kevin, for doing the good work and I look forward to hearing them!
(PHOTO: That's John Wilson, editor of Books & Culture, saying, if I recall correctly: "I don't get it people. What's going on here? Don't you like books!? Seriously. Books are awesome!" Ok, I'm making that up, but I bet it's a good guess. Click on the pic to see what books he recommended the class. FYI: His breakout session gets my vote for most artistic title: “The Contemporary Culture of Books, Literature and Ideas: Or What the Heck People are Writing About These Days and How All These Ideas Are Shaping the Imagination of Christians, Consciously or Unconsciously, Immediately or Eventually ... and Why This Matters to Churches”.)