An Artsy Mission Trip to Istanbul, Turkey

I've sent this out to the HopeArts community but thought I'd drop it here in case anybody else is interested. We're taking a team of artists to Istanbul this summer. Here are the basics.

WHAT: an arts-focused mission trip to Istanbul, Turkey

WHEN: May 26 - June 10, 2006

WHO: visual and performing artists, in particular artists who are considerably skilled in the drawing arts as well as musicians, actors, dancers, slam poets and filmmakers.

May 26 - leave Austin
May 27 - arrive Istanbul
May 28 - Robert College's 24th Annual Fine Art Festival. Robert College is an American private high school in Ä°stanbul, Turkey, the oldest American school outside the US, founded in 1863.
May 29-30 - sight-seeing and resting up
May 31 - June 4 - The International TĆ¼nel Art Festival hosts artists from all around the world--literally--and includes visual and plastic arts as well as performing arts including music, dance and theatre. About 50,000 make it out to the festival. Neither of these festivals is hosted by Christians, they are bona fide Istanbul-run festivals. Side-walk chalk-drawing and performances comprise the primary work we will do.
June 5 - 9 - meeting with Turkish believers, Christian workers and people we connected with at the festival.
June 10 - travel home

APPLICATIONS: are available in the foyer and church office (512-377-3900)

DEADLINE: to apply is March 12th.

COST: approximately $2375.00, and the bulk of this will be the plane ticket. Once we're on the ground, things are cheap. Five training sessions will be given for preparation of team-members. Note: It goes without saying that concerns about money should not prevent anyone from going. All things are possible.

INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Tuesday, March 7 at 7:00 pm at Hope.

ANY QUESTIONS: feel free to ask David Taylor or the Unaguest.

LAST THOUGHT: This will be a no-cheese, culturally resonant artistic venture. It will also be an incredible opportunity for us to be a part of the already-happening art scene in Istanbul, with the hope that relationships would form as a result of our work as artists and a winsome spirit of Jesus. If you know anyone who would be interested, please pass this on to them.


Our Liaison in Istanbul: Ronald Lopez, gallery owner of Robertā€™s College and its Festival

The International TĆ¼nel Art Festival


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