DT at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Symposium

The good people at CICW have invited me to present a seminar at their upcoming symposium.  January 28-30, 2010.  I'm excited to be there.  I've known of the symposium for years and I have the greatest respect for John Witvliet, its head honcho.  (Sidenote: my two areas of concentrate at Duke are theological aesthetics and liturgical theology.  Witvliet's PhD from Notre Dame was in liturgical studies and theology.  It's no wonder I like the man so much.)  

My seminar will ask "What is a successful artist?" and will consider ways that pastors and artists can collaborate in this work of helping artists integrate and flourish.  Other speakers on the slate include Marva Dawn, Richard Mouw, Cornelius Plantinga and his kin Neal Plantinga, Jeremy Begbie, and other fine folk with Dutch-sounding last names.


d saidā€¦
I'd love to see your note on this as/when they materialize.
w. david o. taylor saidā€¦
d: absolutely.
Kelly W. Foster saidā€¦
Cornelius Plantinga's book on sin ("not the way it's supposed to be") is one of my favorites of all time. Is it ok to say that about a book on sin?

If you meet him, tell him 'thanks' for me.
w. david o. taylor saidā€¦
Kelly: Absolutely. I'd love to meet him, and if I do I'll say, "Thanks for that sin book."
Kelly W. Foster saidā€¦
dt: It's kind of like when I got to meet Nicholas Wolterstorff recently and tell him 'Thanks for that death book."

Maybe I should be worried about the fact that these books appeal to me. I need to find some books to love about sunshine and flowers. Any recommendations?
macgirl saidā€¦
I know you don't know me. My name is Phil Armour. I met you at the Cultural Trans. in Austin. I have really been impressed with your work. A friend of mine said you moved to NC. You will have to check out a great group of Jesus Followers. It is a church called Emmaus Way in Durham. Emmausway.net I really hope to make my way from TX to Durham someday because I really like what these folks are doing. My email is phil@philarmourlpc.com
w. david o. taylor saidā€¦
Phil, thanks for stopping in to say hi. I think I've actually heard of Emmaus Way. I'll take a look at their website. We've only been in Durham six weeks, so we haven't gotten around too much. But slowly, we're meeting some good people who are doing good work. Blessings to you.
w. david o. taylor saidā€¦
Kelly: I'll ask Phaedra about the sunshine and flowers book options; her and Stanley Hauerwas.

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