TCS Audio Sales: Part 1
Folks, it's been a dog to get these CD recordings in place for sale; more specifically, it's been a dog to get both CD and MP3s ready for sale simultaneously. I sincerely apologize for the delay. Our webmistress is moving inter-state and packing up her computer, web files and all. Our initial efforts to get things into motion have been derailed by the weirdest obstacles.
So here we are. This will be an official announcement that if you wish to purchase a CD of any of the main talks you may currently do so by writing the TCS at the following address:
P.O. Box 1664 Austin, TX 78767-1664
This will be the "quick and dirty" means to get copies of the CD. Soon--and very soon--we'll have swifter ways to get these to you. But if you wish to hold the recordings in your hands and re-live all the glory of Andy Crouch, Eugene Peterson, John Witvliet, David Taylor, Barbara "Habanero Spice Girl" Nicolosi, and Jeremy Begbie, please keep reading.
All sales need to be paid for by check. Please make check out to "Hill Country Institute." Each CD is $6.00. Please add $1.00 shipping per CD. For individual orders of 12 or more CDs, we will waive shipping.
Orders will be processed upon receipt of a check.
Please include in your note to us the address you wish us to send the CDs to, how many of which talks, and contact info in case we need to get ahold of you. Email us with any question at: info(AT)transformingculture(DOT).org.
This, at the very least, will get things rolling for those of you who wish to own a very excellent collection of talks on CD. Hopefully very, very soon we will have the capacity for people to download MP3s. They'll be $4.99 each.
About the DVDs, we had an awful technical snafu and none of the audio recorded onto the video. We are going to have go through the laborious process of dubbing the separate audio recordings onto the video files. But that'll take time. There's hope. All is not lost. We shall not be overcome. But this will take some gracious perseverance to accomplish.
And we thank you in advance for your patience, interest and prayers.
So here we are. This will be an official announcement that if you wish to purchase a CD of any of the main talks you may currently do so by writing the TCS at the following address:
P.O. Box 1664 Austin, TX 78767-1664
This will be the "quick and dirty" means to get copies of the CD. Soon--and very soon--we'll have swifter ways to get these to you. But if you wish to hold the recordings in your hands and re-live all the glory of Andy Crouch, Eugene Peterson, John Witvliet, David Taylor, Barbara "Habanero Spice Girl" Nicolosi, and Jeremy Begbie, please keep reading.
All sales need to be paid for by check. Please make check out to "Hill Country Institute." Each CD is $6.00. Please add $1.00 shipping per CD. For individual orders of 12 or more CDs, we will waive shipping.
Orders will be processed upon receipt of a check.
Please include in your note to us the address you wish us to send the CDs to, how many of which talks, and contact info in case we need to get ahold of you. Email us with any question at: info(AT)transformingculture(DOT).org.
This, at the very least, will get things rolling for those of you who wish to own a very excellent collection of talks on CD. Hopefully very, very soon we will have the capacity for people to download MP3s. They'll be $4.99 each.
About the DVDs, we had an awful technical snafu and none of the audio recorded onto the video. We are going to have go through the laborious process of dubbing the separate audio recordings onto the video files. But that'll take time. There's hope. All is not lost. We shall not be overcome. But this will take some gracious perseverance to accomplish.
And we thank you in advance for your patience, interest and prayers.
This is a general "Arts Pastor" comment. Pardon, if I couldn't find contact info. I've only perused your site for a few minutes after coming on it incidentally while looking for an image with the "Tara rune" from "A Swiftly Tilting"... I also have a L'Engle connection I could share. To the point: I want to connect with what you're doing there in Austin and dialogue. I also want to let people know you're there and to support you through my networking. Jason-David ( &
Peace be with you,
DJ (Jason David)
a de paso soy Chofo Cáceres de Guatemala