Videos for a cloudy day

Professor lists excuses he will not accept
Some days you need to laugh. You're feeling bummed out, you walk around with a Charlie Brown-like rainy cloud over your head and you're wondering to yourself, "I think I take myself too seriously. I do. I really do and I probably need to chill out. I need to laugh."

That's why you need this blog entry. 

I'm taking Latin at the moment and it's sucking up all my brain cells. Declensions, conjunctions, principal parts, irregular verbs, vocab cards--that's my life right now. It's good, of course. I've wanted to take Latin since I was in college, and now I get the chance. But every once and a while I need a good chuckle. Here are a few videos that I've stumbled on in the past month while I eat my lunch on the fourth floor of the Perkins Library.

Enjoy. Or, Gaudate.


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