The gospel according to Ruby Blythe Marie Taylor

Our two and a half year old daughter, Blythe, recently shared the following confession. She did so while sitting on the front porch as her mother tended to our ferns, rose bushes and mint plants. We're not exactly sure where she got these ideas, but they have the flavor of St. Francis mixed with Dr. Seuss infused with what might be regarded by a small number of scholars as a Kuyperian reading of Genesis 2. As I celebrate my birthday today, it makes me happy to know that I made it into her vision of the world. Her mother, of course, is presupposed in the birth narrative.

I was borned yesterday.
Daddy put me up in the world
and then I was born in Jesus 
and all the angels looked to me 
and then all the animals looked to me
up in the world.
Made me so so nice and warm-like
Make peanut butter all over me.
Had to take a bath and go nite nite.
I was born 
and all things were there.


ahhhh, you are so very wise, Ruby Blythe Marie. Also, your hair is fabulous.

We love you, Taylor family!! (and happy birthday a day late, dear David)
micah mcd said…
What a beautiful reflection she is of her two wonderful parents.

And Happy Belated Birthday!
Rosie Perera said…
Oh my goodness, you have a poet on your hands! That is lovely!
Thank you, Tamara, Micah and Rosie. Blythe is a hoot, and some days a toot, but we do love her so.
Amanda Leggett said…
um. i love this so much.
Gwen Meharg Art said…
Don't you love it when they remember!
Gwen: I do!

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